Module 6: Agriculture and Water

Module day six of the Future Leaders Program, which spotlighted Agriculture and Water, was a day filled with discovery and inspiration. The day kicked off with a warm reception at the Burdekin Shire Council Chambers, where Deputy Mayor Max Musumeci and CEO Terry Brennan  greeted the participants and welcomed them to the region for a great day of learning. Over a delightful morning tea, attendees watched a captivating film about the Burdekin, offering a rich introduction to the local agricultural landscape.

The program then moved to a comprehensive overview of Sunwater and Lower Burdekin Water, shedding light on the crucial role of water management in regional agriculture. This was followed by a lively open discussion that allowed participants to dive deep into the challenges and opportunities surrounding water use in agriculture.

Next, the group were introduced to the promising world of industrial hemp. Under the guidance of Steve Tiley, the CEO and Director of Wandarra, participants explored how hemp cultivation can address global issues such as food security, climate change, and sustainability. The innovative approaches at Wandarra highlighted the potential for regional agriculture to make a significant impact on both local and global scales.

The afternoon was equally enlightening, with a visit to Wilmar Sugar’s Pioneer Mill. Here, participants toured the impressive facilities, learned about the latest advancements in automation on the sugar cane farm, and engaged with James Wallace, Group Manager Operations Sugar. The site visit underscored the dynamic nature of the sugar industry and its pivotal role in the region’s economy.

The day wrapped up with an enriching tour of Ross and Lisa Parker’s sugar cane farm, where Steve Attard from AgriTech Solutions showcased cutting-edge automation technologies. The visit provided a firsthand look at the practical applications of advanced farming techniques and the daily operations of a successful sugar cane enterprise. This experience was particularly illuminating as it offered a tangible connection to the agricultural practices discussed earlier in the day.

This module not only provided a comprehensive look at the vital sectors of agriculture and water but also inspired participants with the vision of a thriving, sustainable future for Townsville North Queensland.

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