North Queensland offers a relaxed tropical lifestyle with all the perks and services you would expect of a metropolitan city. Home to the largest city in Northern Australia, the region’s 240,758 strong population enjoy an unrivalled way of life, weekend getaways to incredible natural landscapes, a calendar of world-class entertainment and sporting events, short daily commutes, fresh open-air spaces, affordable living, and more than 300 days of sunshine.

It’s no wonder the locals are some of the friendliest and happiest people you’ll ever meet.

With two world heritage listed areas - the Wet Tropics Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef on our doorstep, as well as a diverse and thriving industry base serving the largest regional city in the North, the North Queensland lifestyle has it all.

Visit Live Townsville North Queensland Website

Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA)

The TNQ DAMA is a formal agreement between the Australian Government and Townsville Enterprise. It provides business owners who have exhausted local recruitment options access to overseas workers, providing a flexibility and responsiveness not available through the standard skilled migration programs.

DAMAs are tailored to a region’s unique economic and labour market conditions, and as with all skilled migration schemes they are only accessible if employers can demonstrate skills shortages and have given priority to Australian jobseekers first.

The TNQ DAMA includes almost 200 occupations, with age, language and experience concessions available on many of these occupations.

Visit DAMA website

Jobs Townsville North Queensland (JTNQ) is one of the Regional Jobs Committee (RJCs) established in Queensland. RJC’s are one of the actions identified in the Queensland Skills Strategy – Skills for Queensland – Great training for quality jobs.

RJCs bring together local industry groups, training providers, local and major employers, employee representatives and councils to help plan local training investment so that it matches local skill needs and drive regional job creation.

RJCs are funded by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) and RDA is the secretariat and project manager for the Townsville based RJC, Jobs Townsville North Queensland.

Visit Jobs North Queensland Website

The Townsville North Queensland region is transforming; continuing to grow and evolve, to boldly command our position as the capital of North Queensland. 

A quintessential tropical paradise with a thriving urban metropolis and renowned hub for sports and events.

We’re the big smoke of regional Queensland, and yet one of the North’s best kept secrets, with an unrivalled power to surprise.

Visit Townsville North Queensland Website

Townsville is Australia’s largest tropical city, the perfect destination to have a truly authentic Australian experience. Townsville offers a range of study and employment opportunities for international students looking for quality education in a supportive environment, a safe city and a welcoming culturally diverse community.

Visit Study Townsville Website