About Townsville Enterprise Membership

Secure the future of Townsville North Queensland

Join our network of leading businesses, organisations and industry professionals as together we Secure the Future of Townsville North Queensland.

Townsville Enterprise strives to attract and grow the region's economic opportunities for local businesses and our community, however we cannot do it alone. 

As a member of the Townsville Enterprise community, you will not only be contributing to driving economic growth for the region but also have the opportunity to tap into our professional network, build strategic relationships, increase your profile and brand awareness, expand your marketing reach, be a part of our advocacy and policy shaping and showcase your organisation as an industry leader.
Townsville Enterprise has a range of membership levels, partnering and marketing opportunities to suit individual businesses needs. No matter your business size or industry, there is a membership plan suited to your organisation.

Become a member today and experience the benefits of being a part of the region's peak economic development and tourism community until June 30 2025.



Townsville Enterprise helps its members to maximise their potential through:
  • Advocacy and policy shaping
  • High level networking opportunities
  • Greater brand exposure
  • Invitations to professional events and workshops
  • Access to opinion leaders
  • Private introductions
  • Sponsorship and hosting opportunities
  • Marketing and digital communications
  • Professional services


Nathan Blundell, General Manager Development - Windlab

Nathan Blundell, General Manager Development - Windlab

"For visionary projects like Copperstring it is really important to have organisations like Townsville Enterprise who engage and coordinate the vision for the future."

Danny McGregor, General Manager Queensland - A.G. Coombs

Danny McGregor, General Manager Queensland - A.G. Coombs

“We actively seek partnerships with like-minded organisations that in turn benefit the wider community ... (that's why) we are excited to be a strategic member of Townsville Enterprise”

NGH Consulting

NGH Consulting

“Over the past four years, our partnership with Townsville Enterprise Limited (TEL) has been a resounding success. With TEL's invaluable support, we've strengthened our presence and relationships in North Queensland. Utilising TEL's strong network, we've effectively promoted our Environmental, Planning and Advisory services and accomplishments to valued renewable energy, mining and resources and infrastructure sector clients. We look forward to continuing our successful collaboration.”

Hidden Valley Cabins and Tours

Hidden Valley Cabins and Tours

"Townsville Enterprise gives opportunity and - whenever needed - a friendly chat to offer advice in many areas to do with your business. Their passion for Townsville and surrounding regions tourism is truly undeniable by their very hands-on approach with the community and their members. We’ve been very fortunate to work with Townsville Enterprise not only to help benefit our own small, family-owned business, but also work with other local businesses together as a region to help support, grow and develop tourism in Townsville and surrounding regions."


Community Member Benefits

  • Receive all member communications and access to the online community and directory
  • Use of Townsville Enterprise Member logo
  • Access to regional insights dashboard
  • Discounted networking opportunities
  • Access to marketing image and video library
  • Securing the future of Townsville North Queensland through advocacy

Individuals and
community organisations

$480 (excl GST)


Connect members receive all Community Member benefits plus: 

  • Opportunity for promotion through Townsville Enterprise corporate channels
    and business newsletters
  • Voting rights at the Townsville Enterprise Annual General Meeting
  • Tourism and Convention Bureau Bonus if applicable


$850 (excl GST)

1- 5 Full Time or equivalent employee numbers



$1,880 (excl GST)

6- 10 Full Time or equivalent employee numbers



$4,120 (excl GST)

10+ Full Time or equivalent employee numbers


Strategic members will receive all Community and Connect Member as well as Tourism and Convention Bureau Bonus (if applicable) plus: 

  • Regional economic data supplied for grant applications (conditions apply)
  • Opportunity to host a Townsville Enterprise networking event (additional cost)
  • Invitations to roundtable events, delegations and trade missions (where applicable)
  • Eligible for Advisory Committee and Board nomination
  • Contribute to the Regional Industry Growth Plan
  • Opportunity to apply to join the North Queensland Hydrogen Consortium (conditions apply)
    Advocacy support for project (conditions apply)
  • Opportunity (where relevant) to present to Strategic Advisory Committees
  • Copper and above: 
    • Dedicated login for TEL's North Queensland project pipeline dashboard 
    • Priority consideration for presentations and panel at Townsville Enterprise event
    • Opportunity to be the key industry spokesperson on relevant media issues
    • Invitations to meetings with senior politicians and officials
  • Silver and above
    • Company logo displayed in Townsville
      Enterprise’s major corporate publications and website
    • Access Townsville Enterprise event
      management services (additional cost)
    • Opportunity to present to the Townsville Enterprise Board



(excl GST)




(excl GST)




(excl GST)




(excl GST)


Premium tailored partnership agreement based on desired outcome for both parties. Platinum members receive all Community, Connect and Strategic Members benefits as well as Tourism and Convention Bureau Bonus (if applicable) plus:

  • One complimentary Connect Membership for associated business or client (for a period of up to 12 months)
  • Logo on Townsville Enterprise website as identified status Platinum member

Tailored partnership


(excl GST)




Prinicipal Partner
Major Partners
Platinum Members