Tourism operators receive EcoGuide certification

24th July 2024

Townsville North Queensland has taken the next step in its sustainability journey, with 12 local tourism operators graduating with Eco Tourism Australia EcoGuide certification. 

Solidifying the region’s commitment to sustainable tourism practices, this program – delivered in partnership with Townsville Enterprise and Savannah Guides under funding secured through the Queensland Government – distinguishes Townsville as a leader in environmental stewardship. 

The EcoGuide certification program, is a national program recognising tour guides and rangers who deliver an authentic, environmentally responsible and professional experience and is aimed at enhancing visitor experiences while preserving local ecosystems. 

Townsville Enterprise Director Visitor Economy and Marketing Lisa Woolfe said the program is a testament to the region's tourism operators' commitment to sustainability and quality visitor experiences. 

"Visitors can continue to explore Townsville North Queensland with confidence, knowing they are supporting operators who prioritize environmental conservation, which is a major driver for consumer choice," Ms Woolfe said. 

“Townsville's status as a certified eco destination underscores its dedication to sustainability and we’re proud to be able to deliver industry development opportunities for our region to upskill and exceed visitor expectations.” 

Townsville North Queensland's Eco Guides

From recent national visitor surveys, Townsville North Queensland ranked as the only region in Queensland to see growth in holiday visitor numbers attracting travellers seeking new experiences rooted in environmental responsibility.  

Savannah Guides trainer Russell Boswell said EcoGuide certification presented an immense number of opportunities to participating businesses. 

“Undergoing certification is a valuable credential for what are mainly small businesses. As well as benchmarking and guaranteeing guiding quality, the certification is a valuable marketing point of difference and a human resources incentive in a tight employment environment,” Mr Boswell said. 

“Through the program, tourism operators learn generic guiding skills including the roles and responsibilities of a guide, communication skills, safety and risk management, group management, and developing and delivering tour activities; coupled with specific EcoGuide skills such as minimal impact principles; a commitment to ongoing professional development and respecting Indigenous culture.” 

From reef tours to wildlife encounters, the newly accredited guides are poised to offer visitors meaningful insights into Townsville's rich biodiversity while promoting responsible tourism practices, in preparation for a bumper events and cruise season. 

For more information on Townsville Enterprise’s industry development opportunities, please visit 

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