Cruise Industry

With the opening of the Quayside Cruise Terminal in 2013, and the completion of the Port of Townsville's $251M Channel Upgrade project in 2024, coupled with the variety and diversity of shore excursions and activities available to passengers, Townsville North Queensland is a rapidly growing and attractive cruise destination. 

In partnership with Port of Townsville and Townsville City Council, Townsville Enterprise has identified the cruise market as one with significant potential to boost the region’s visitation and help reach the goal of doubling visitor expenditure with the cruise industry identified as one of the fastest growing travel sectors in the world.

2024/2025 cruise season

Townsville has seen significant growth in the cruise sector over the last 12 months, with over double the number of passengers arriving into the Port of Townsville compared to the previous season.

When cruise ships visit Townsville, each passenger will spend an average $200 with local businesses during their day ashore. This money makes its way to many local business including tourism providers, shops, restaurants, bars, local attractions and more.

View the upcoming cruise schedule, HERE


How can my business prepare for cruise ship arrivals?

  • Adjust operating hours to align with cruise schedules.
  • Display welcome signage and special offers to attract visitors.
  • Ensure product availability that caters to cruise passengers, such as souvenirs, refreshments, and essentials.
  • Consider offering promotions or experiences specifically designed for short-stay visitors.

Cruise Ship Welcome Crew

Townsville Enterprise also manages the Townsville North Queensland Tourism Volunteer Program, of which a multitude of volunteers provide a friendly welcome to cruise ship passengers and crew visiting the region at Quayside Terminal and various touch points around the Townsville CBD.

In 2023, 12 cruise ships are expected to visit the region with the Volunteers preparing to welcome in excess of 14,000 passengers and crew. The Cruise Ship Welcome Volunteers will spend over 500 hours assisting these visitors and providing an execptional welcome upon arrival into Townsville.

Cruise Ship Season

The traditional Australian cruise ship season formerly ran from November to March, as ships sailed to the Southern Hemisphere to escape the Northern Hemisphere’s winter. However the season has expanded to now welcome cruise ship passengers and crew all year round, providing the opportunity for cruising visitors to enjoy Townsville North Queensland's stunning winter weather. Visiting ships provide a significant boost to Townsville North Queensland's local economy, spreading the economic benefit that visitors provide across a full 12 months. Cruise ships offer the opportunity to support local businesses, encourage investment, product development and sustained employment opportunities.

To learn more about the upcoming Cruise Ships visiting Townsville please visit the Port of Townsville Cruise Ship Schedule.

Cruise Product Development - Shore Excursions

Townsville Enterprise works with local operators to assist them in developing their tourism product for the cruise market. Inbound Tourism Operators (ITOs) act as the middle man, on-selling local products to cruise ships to sell to passengers. To be considered by an ITO to sell your product on-board your product needs to be established, commissionable and flexible – as ships often make changes to tours and itineraries up to just a few hours before they are set to depart.

For local tourism operators, there are two ways to get involved:

>> Be a part of a pre-determined shore excursion through a 'ground handler'

Ground handlers, also known as Inbound Tour Operators (ITOs), are specialists who design suitable shore excursions by packaging a range of products from a particular cruise destination and on-sell these tours/activities to cruise lines for sale on board the ship prior to arrival at the destination.

  • TIP – Timing is Essential!  Make contact with a ground handler in October and follow up in March for the potential inclusion of your product in the following year’s season.

>> Provide an experience to passengers not pre-booked on a shore excursion

Not every cruise passenger goes on a shore excursion when visiting a destination. The majority, approximately 80%, do at some point along their journey, and of those, 75% participate in pre-arranged tours/activities, leaving a significant number of individuals who are Free Independent Travellers (FITs) who do their own exploring.

  • TIP – Quality Information!  FITs need quality information delivered on the day by volunteers at the cruise ship information desk. Be sure your product is being promoted to these passengers by supporting Townsville Enterprise.
History of cruise in Townsville North Queensland

Townsville has seen significant growth in the cruise sector over the last 12 months, with over double the number of passengers arriving into the Port of Townsville (compared to the previous season). However, the doubling in demand isn’t something that happened overnight, with the city coming to the pinnacle of a 10-year journey in creating demand for the destination and securing the right infrastructure to welcome large ships.

Quayside Terminal

Townsville has always worked in the cruise sector, with humble beginnings as a destination that tendered in passengers from vessels which anchored off the coast of Townsville or Magnetic Island.

The true chapter of cruise began with the opening of Townsville’s dedicated cruise terminal – Quayside Terminal in October 2013.

New infrastructure designed specifically with cruise in mind changed the game for the destination, with an increase of three to 11 ships over the course of one year (2016 – 2017).

The terminal facilitated a partial turn around in September 2018, with passengers offered the opportunity to join cruises from Townsville. Enabling passengers to embark cruise ships from Townsville remains a mid-long-term aspiration for the region, with discussions between the Port of Townsville and cruise liners ongoing.

Channel Upgrade

The real game-changer came with the formal approval of the Port of Townsville’s $251 million Channel Upgrade project to widen Townsville’s shipping channel, enabling ships as large as 300m in length to berth directly at Quayside Terminal.

With environmental approvals received in 2018, physical work commenced in 2020, with the construction of a rock wall bund for beneficial reuse of dredged material in a new 62ha port reclamation area. Capital dredging for the project was completed in 2024, with the Channel Upgrade truly opening up the destination, enabling the biggest jump in cruise passenger numbers ever seen in Townsville North Queensland.

Frequently asked questions

How does our CBD rank for cruise passengers?

For visiting cruise passengers who have a global perspective on CBDs, we consistently receive positive comments on how clean the city is, our incredible heritage buildings and the close proximity to the beach and island. Of course, like many locals, cruise passengers would like to see more open shops in our city, but it is certainly not detracting from their experience nor is it directly impacting on our ability to attract or retain ships, having seen continued growth of this sector for a number of years.

Domestic vs International – Is there a difference?

Domestic cruise passengers are typically more independent and less likely to book pre-arranged tours, preferring to explore on their own. In contrast, international cruise passengers often seek structured experiences and guided tours. Additionally, passenger spending habits can vary based on the cruise line’s market positioning and onboard demographic. More affluent cruise lines tend to attract guests with higher spending capacity, influencing how and where they spend their time ashore.

Who determines where the buses go and whether they are paid?

The cruise liner determines the bus exchange location and whether passengers are required to pay for transport. For larger ships carrying over 2,000 people, Townsville Enterprise has arranged trial hop-on hop-off buses to connect key attractions and city businesses, ensuring the local economy benefits from cruise arrivals.

Who coordinates cruise ship visits?

Cruise ship visits are coordinated through a partnership between the Port of Townsville, Townsville Enterprise, and Townsville City Council. Together, we work to attract cruise lines, manage passenger experiences, and enhance Townsville’s reputation as a desirable cruise destination. Passenger feedback is consistently positive, and we continue to refine our offerings to improve visitor experiences.

What are cruise passengers typically looking for?

Passenger interests vary by cruise line and demographic, but commonly sought-after items include:

  • Souvenirs & gifts
  • Cold drinks & snacks
  • Local tours & experiences
  • Clothing & sun protection (hats, sunglasses, etc.)
  • Medications & essentials (pharmacies are popular stops)
  • Many passengers take advantage of onboard dining options, having breakfast before disembarking and returning for lunch, meaning their spending ashore is often focused on experiences, shopping, and light refreshments.

What types of experiences are most popular?

Cruise passengers are often looking for unique and authentic local experiences. Popular activities include:

  • Cultural and historical tours (museums, Indigenous experiences, heritage sites)
  • Wildlife encounters (aquariums, animal sanctuaries, reef tours)
  • Outdoor and adventure activities (snorkeling, hiking, scenic lookouts)

How are destination ports selected by cruise lines?

While visitor demand is one factor in cruise lines selecting the region as a destination port, there are a number of additional factors involved to make it onto cruise holiday itineraries.

1. Market Demand and Passenger Preferences

Cruise lines study customer preferences, often through surveys or market research, to determine which destinations are most desirable. Townsville North Queensland has experienced ongoing increased growth across the tourism industry, recently crowned Australia's fastest growing tourism destination. Specific to cruise, the destination consistently ranks highly, with the passengers scoring the region 4.8 out of 5 in recent satisfaction surveys.

 2. Port Infrastructure and Facilities

Ports with the necessary infrastructure to accommodate large cruise ships are prioritised, and with the recent upgrades to Townsville’s dedicated cruise terminal, and future plans for methanol refueling, the region is primed as a port of choice. From dock facilities, deep-water access, and efficient customs capabilities,  Ports with well-developed passenger terminals, transportation options, and shore excursion services are more likely to be selected.

3. Accessibility and Proximity

Cruise lines aim to select ports that are easily accessible for passengers and located within a reasonable distance from each other to minimise travel time. Ports that are close together in the same region are often grouped together in an itinerary to optimise cruise routes and improve fuel efficiency. Leveraging the heightened awareness of our neighbouring Ports, while offering a different visitor experience, again positions Townsville well to capitalise on the existing cruise network in North Queensland.

4. Environmental and Sustainability Considerations

There is growing concern on the environmental impact of cruise tourism. Cruise lines are increasingly choosing destinations that emphasise sustainability, with eco-friendly practices and conservation efforts. Destinations that prioritise environmental protection – like Townsville which was recently accredited as an Eco-Destination in Nature Tourism, will be more attractive to passengers and cruise companies.

5. Tourism Infrastructure

A destination with a well-developed tourism infrastructure, including attractions, local culture, historical sites, and entertainment, is a strong candidate for inclusion in cruise itineraries. As an emerging destination, our region is primed for growth with the increasing visitor demand, home to numerous operators with long-standing history of delivering excellence in the region. As our tourism sector and cruise arrivals continue to grow, our focus to increase tourism experiences, offerings and attractions will be at the forefront.

6. Passenger Experience and Reputation

Ports that offer high-quality service, exceptional passenger experiences and positive interaction with locals, tend to attract more cruises.

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